Hello all, long time no see. If you're wondering where the heck all my new songs are, I've hit a problem. Every time I try and upload a new song to Newgrounds it says the file is not a valid Mp3. So I figured, hey, maybe Garageband does something weird with the mp3. I'll run it through a converter. Still, will not upload. I'm not sure what is casuing this issue, but I haven't been able to upload my 2 latest tracks. However, they both can be found at http://music.collinhenderson.com
The two new tracks are The Passing Skies and Hovering Machine. I hope you enjoy them, and I hope Newgrounds will remedy whatever the hell is making my uploads fail.
All the best,
Clear you cache and try again. it may be an internet browser problem,
I've tried that. I've been trying to upload for about a month now. Still not working. :(